File #: ID# 102-25    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Health & Social Services
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/14/2025
Title: AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTH AMERICAN MENTAL HEALTH AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Agreement between North American Mental Health and Lassen County Health and Social Services for Professional Psychiatric, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Services in the amount of $300,000 for the term of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0771, 110-0751, 164-0752, 165-0751 and is included in the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Agreement with North American Mental Health; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Agreement.
Attachments: 1. H9- BOS North American Mental Health 1.14.25



SUBJECT: Agreement between North American Mental Health and Lassen County Health and Social Services for Professional Psychiatric, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Services in the amount of $300,000 for the term of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

FISCAL IMPACT:  This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0771, 110-0751, 164-0752, 165-0751 and is included in the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budget.

ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Agreement with North American Mental Health; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Agreement.