SUBJECT: Rezone of lands located approximately 9.5 miles outside of Susanville in the community of Johnstonville, owned by Grimes Rice Canyon Ranches, LLC into an Agricultural Preserve Combining District in order to facilitate an application for a new Land Conservation (Williamson) Act contract. (Files: AA #2024-001 and RZ #2024-001).
FISCAL IMPACT: Potential loss of property tax revenue if Williamson Act Contract is offered.
ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Receive the Planning Commission's recommendation on rezoning; and 2) conduct a public hearing pursuant to County Code Section 18.124.050 (Procedures for Precise Zoning and Amendments); and 3) introduce and adopt, by title only, an Ordinance implementing the rezone of four parcels, approximately 341.18 acres of property from E-A to E-A-A-P and U-C to U-C-A-P; and 4) receive and consider the Land Conservation Committee recommendation on the establishment of an agricultural preserve; and 5) adopt a resolution e...