Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board Chambers 707 Nevada Street Susanville, CA 96130
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID# 150-25 1  AppointmentFAR NORTHERN REGIONAL CENTER SUBJECT: Request from Far Northern Regional Center for consultation in re-appointing Timothy Howard to the Far Northern Coordinating Council on Developmental Disabilities. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Consider making appointment.   Not available Not available
ID# 149-25 1  ReportPRISON TRIAL COSTS REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM ITEMS SUBJECT: Recap of High Desert State Prison Trial Costs Reimbursement billing for the months of July, 2024, through December 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file.   Not available Not available
ID# 142-25 1  MinutesLASSEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 2024 SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes of December 17, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve.   Not available Not available
ID# 143-25 1  MinutesLASSEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 21, 2025 SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve.   Not available Not available
ID# 144-25 1  MinutesLASSEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 28, 2025 SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve.   Not available Not available
ID# 155-25 1  Action ItemSAFETY ONE SNOW-CAT TRAINING SUBJECT: Safety One Snow-Cat Training. FISCAL IMPACT: $3,973.32 from Title III Funding, Fund/Budget Unit No. 130-0522. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve.   Not available Not available
ID# 156-25 1  ReportACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file the following correspondence: a) Planning and Service Area Agency on Aging Advisory (PSA2 AAA) Meeting Agenda for January 31, 2025. b) Planning and Service Area Agency on Aging Advisory (PSA2 AAA) Public Notice, Calling for Letters of Intent. c) Fair Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2024. d) Lassen Transit Service Agency Meeting Agenda for February 6, 2025. e) Lassen Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) Regular Meeting Agenda for February 10, 2025.   Not available Not available
ID# 147-25 1  ReportPERSONNEL REPORT SUBJECT: Personnel Movement Report for November 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION: Receive and file.   Not available Not available
ID# 148-25 1  ReportPERSONNEL REPORT SUBJECT: Personnel Movement Report for December 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION: Receive and file   Not available Not available
ID# 151-25 1  Action ItemASPHALT EMULSION OIL SUBJECT: Bid Award: Asphalt Emulsion Oil / Albina Asphalt. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the Road Operating Fund/Budget Unit No. 122-1221. ACTION REQUESTED: Award the bid for asphalt emulsion oil to Albina Asphalt, 801 Main Street, Vancouver, WA, 98660. the lowest bidder meeting the specifications in the amount of $336,152.64 for asphalt emulsion oil bidder plus an additional amount of $25,000 for spreading costs and an additional $75,000 (22% of low bid) to cover volatility in oil prices for a not to exceed amount of $436,152.64.   Not available Not available
ID# 152-25 1  Action ItemASPHALT RUBBER CRACK AND JOINT SEALANT SUBJECT: Bid Award: Asphalt Rubber Crack and Joint Sealant / Crafco, Inc. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the Road Operating Fund/Budget Unit No. 122-1221. ACTION REQUESTED: Award the bid to Crafco, Inc., 6165 West Detroit St, Chandler, AZ, 85226, the lowest bidder meeting the specirications, in the amount of $48,348.30 for Asphalt Rubber Crack and Joint Sealant.   Not available Not available
ID# 153-25 1  Action ItemCHIP SEAL 3/8" AGGREGATE SUBJECT: Award Chip Seal 3/8" Aggregate / Larranaga Trucking, Inc. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the Road Operating Fund/Budget Unit No. 122-1221. ACTION REQUESTED: Award the bid for the 3/8" chip seal aggregate (Asphaltic Emulsion Seal Coat Screenings per section 37 of the Caltrans Standard Specification 2022) to Larranaga Trucking, Inc. in the amount of $178,813; and 2) authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the agreement.   Not available Not available
ID# 154-25 1  Action ItemSAND FOR CHIP SEAL PROJECT SUBJECT: Award sand for Chip Seal Project / Sierra Cascade Aggregate and Asphalt Products, Inc. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the Road Operating Fund/Unit Budget No. 122-1221. ACTION REQUESTED: Award the bid for sand (chip seal fine aggregate 1/4" max, per section 37 of Caltrans Standard Specification 2022) to Sierra Cascade Aggregate and Asphalt Products, Inc. in the amount of $30,459, the lowest bidder meeting specifications.   Not available Not available
ID# 140-25 1  Action ItemThis item was removed from the agenda.   Not available Not available
ID# 141-25 1  Action ItemSUPERVISOR INGRAM SUBJECT: Discussion and direction to staff regarding live streaming of Board of Supervisors Meetings from the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 707 Nevada Street, Susanville. FISCAL IMPACT: Initial impact of approximately $20,000 in one-time fees and hardware/equipment costs, and reoccurring fees of approximately $10,000 annually. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Direct staff to create a new project to provide live streaming of Board of Supervisors meetings from the Board of Supervisors Chambers located at 707 Nevada Street, Susanville; and/or 2) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 158-25 1  Action ItemThis item was removed from the agenda.   Not available Not available
ID# 157-25 1  Action ItemAMENDMENT TO TITLE 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL OF THE LASSEN COUNTY CODE SUBJECT: Proposed ordinance to repeal and replace Section 2.06.035(a) of Title 2 of the Lassen County Code amending the powers and duties of the County Administrative Officer to not exclude the Fair Department. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Introduce the ordinance and read (or waive); and/or 2) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 145-25 1  Action ItemFAIR MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTION SUBJECT: Approval of Fair Manager Job Description. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Job Description and/or Provide Direction to Staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 146-25 1  Action Item2025 LASSEN COUNTY FAIR ENTERTAINMENT PURCHASING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION SUBJECT: Adoption of a resolution establishing negotiation and purchasing authority for the Lassen County Fair Manager to execute agreement(s) for grandstand entertainment for the 2025 Lassen County Fair. FISCAL IMPACT: $135,000 cost and estimated ticket revenue of $250,000 based upon 2024 Lassen County Fair costs and revenue from grandstand entertainment. Actual costs and revenue to be determined. Entertainment agreement(s) are executed in the 2024-2025 fiscal year but the payment for the services or goods provided under the contract will be made in the following fiscal year of 2025-2026. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Adopt resolution; and/or 2) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 159-25 1  Action ItemFAIR MID-YEAR BUDGET MODIFICATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 SUBJECT: Resolution approving the Fair Department's mid-year budget modifications for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to rectify the negative cash balance and increase the budget appropriation for the Fair to operate for the remainder of the Fiscal Year. FISCAL IMPACT: Impact to the General Fund of $160,000 and reallocation of special one time funds from Fund No. 113 and Fund No. 103. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Adopt a resolution (4/5 vote required); and/or 2) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 146-17 1  ReportSUBJECT: INFORMATION FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not available Not available