Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/18/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board Chambers 707 Nevada Street Susanville, CA 96130
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID# 176-25 11 AppointmentLOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCo) SUBJECT: Committee Appointments. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Make appointment to the following Commission. 1. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) a. Government Code section 56000 b. Two regular members and one alternate member selected from the Board of Supervisors. c. Term: Four years or serves at the will of the Board of Supervisors. CURRENT MEMBERS: Hemphill (R), Gallagher (R), Bridges (A)   Not available Not available
ID# 174-25 11 Action ItemLASSEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 2024 SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes of December 17, 2024. Correction to Minutes for the Kramer Ranch LLC, Protest of Notice of Non-Renewal item. The vote was recorded incorrectly. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve amended Minutes.   Not available Not available
ID# 161-25 12 Action ItemThis item was removed from the agenda.   Not available Not available
ID# 169-25 13 Action ItemIRRIGATED LANDS REGULATORY PROGRAM EXEMPTION LETTER OF SUPPORT SUBJECT: Letter of Support to exempt upper Pit River growers from the irrigated lands regulatory program. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve letter; and 2) authorize the Chairman to execute.   Not available Not available
ID# 166-25 14 Action ItemAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Agreement between Lassen County and the University of California Davis for the Maximum amount of $90,907.50 for the term of July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026, for 23 units of training in the subject areas selected by the agency for Continuing and Professional Education. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the County General Fund. This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 120-0853 and is included in the 2025/2026 Fiscal Year budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Agreement with the University of California Davis; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Agreement.   Not available Not available
ID# 175-25 18 ReportACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file the following correspondence: a) Proposal to Modify Reno Military Operations Area and Reno Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace.   Not available Not available
ID# 162-25 1  RecognitionRECOGNITION AWARDS FOR FEBRUARY 2025 SUBJECT: Recognition awards for February 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Present Recognition Awards to: 10 Years: Whitney Muller (Health and Social Services).   Not available Not available
ID# 172-25 1  ProclamationSUPERVISOR SCANLAN SUBJECT: Proclamation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Present Proclamation to Randy Robbins; and 2) adopt Proclamation.   Not available Not available
ID# 173-25 1  Action ItemSUPERVISOR INGRAM SUBJECT: Discussion and direction to staff regarding Cottage Food Operator Program Fees. FISCAL IMPACT: Cost neutral or less than 100% cost recovery. Fee revenue in the amount of approximately $1,600 annually for Cottage Food Operator A permits ($110 each) and $2,600 from Cottage Food Operator B permits ($200 each). Fee charged for recovering county costs as the Local Enforcement Agency responsible for implementing the state mandate on Cottage Food Operators pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 114365 of the California Retail Food Code. ACTION REQUESTED: Various options, including but not limited to: 1) Receive Information and No Action; or 2) direct staff to initiate the process to repeal and replace section(s) of the Lassen County Code pertaining to Cottage Food Operator Program Fees; and/or 3) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 167-25 15 Action ItemVOCATIONAL TRAINEE / VOCATIONAL ASSISTANT SERIES JOB DESCRIPTION SUBJECT: Job Description Approval and Position Allocation for Vocational Trainee / Vocational Assistant Series within Community Social Services Department. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the General Fund. Funds are budgeted within Community Social Services Fund/Budget Unit No. 120-0853 to support these positions. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve Vocational Trainee / Vocational Assistant Job Description; and 2) Un-Fund 4 FTE Social Worker Series positions; and 3) Fund 4 FTE Vocational Trainee / Vocational Assistant Series positions.   Not available Not available
ID# 171-25 16 Action ItemFIRST AMENDMENT FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPAY AND NEUTER GRANT SUBJECT: First amendment to the grant agreement with the University of California for funding to spay and neuter dogs and cats. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenue will continue the Spay and Neuter Program coordination between the Animal Shelter and Lassen Humane Society. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the first amendment to the grant agreement with the Regents of the University of California to fund spay and neuter of dogs and cats through the Animal Shelter; and 2) authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the amendment.   Not available Not available
ID# 177-25 17 ReportPERSONNEL REPORT SUBJECT: Personnel Movement Report for January, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION: Receive and file.   Not available Not available
ID# 163-25 13 Action ItemAMENDED AND RESTATED SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADVOCATES FOR HUMAN POTENTIAL, INC. AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Amended and Restated Subcontract Agreement #20456-CA BHBH-LASSEN-01 between Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. and Lassen County Behavioral Health implementing the California Department of Health Care Services Agreement #22-20456 Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH) Program in the amount of $4,599,917 for the term of June 23, 2023 through June 30, 2027. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact on the County General Fund. This Subcontract Agreement is revenue and expenditure for Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0941. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Amended and Restated Subcontract Agreement #20456-CA- BHBH-LASSEN-01 with Advocates for Human Potential, Inc; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.   Not available Not available
ID# 164-25 14 Action ItemFIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCUMTENENS.COM, LLC. AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Agreement Between, LLC. and Lassen County Agreement to raise the maximum amount to $400,000 for the term of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for professional, diagnostic, and therapeutic services to clients. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the County General Fund. This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0751 and 164-0752 and is included in the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with, LLC.; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.   Not available Not available
ID# 165-25 15 Action ItemFIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SMITHWATERS GROUP AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Agreement between The Smithwaters Group and Lassen County Health and Social Services to raise the Maximum Contract Amount to $78,000 to provide Title IX patient Rights Advocacy Services. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the County General Fund. This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0751 and is included in the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with The Smithwaters Group.; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.   Not available Not available
ID# 168-25 16 Action ItemAMENDMENT TO GRANT AGREEMENT #21-10561, A1 BETWEEN THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND COUNTY OF LASSEN SUBJECT: Amendment to Grant Agreement # 21-10561, A1 between the California Department of Public Health and County of Lassen decreasing the amount of the Grant from $514,150 to $308,490 and extend the term end date from December 31, 2025 to January 31, 2026 to conduct activities necessary to expand, train and sustain a response-ready disease intervention specialist workforce. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the General Fund. This is a Revenue Agreement for Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0731, Public Health. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Amendment to Grant Agreement #21-10561, A1; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer to execute the Amendment.   Not available Not available
ID# 170-25 17 Action ItemCODE ENFORCEMENT SUBJECT: Proposed ordinance adding Chapter 1.20 to the Lassen County Code pertaining to an Administrative Citation Program. (File 323.03). FISCAL IMPACT: Potential partial recovery of code enforcement costs. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Receive Report; and 2) find that introduction of the proposed ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15308 (Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment) and 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies); and 3) introduce and waive the first reading; or 4) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 178-25 18 Action ItemNORCAL EMS JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA) SUBJECT: Consideration approval of Joint Powers Agreement with NorCal EMS participants. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Discuss and consider approval of the creation of a Joint Powers Agreement among NorCal EMS participatory entities; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer to execute the Joint Powers Agreement; or 3) provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID# 146-17 19 ReportSUBJECT: INFORMATION FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not available Not available