Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/14/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Chambers 707 Nevada Street Susanville, CA 96130
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID# 121-25 11 Action ItemCALVET COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS SUBJECT: Annual CalVet Compliance Documents required by CalVet to verify Lassen County is complying with the California Code of Regulations and the CalVet Procedure Manual for subvention and Medi-Cal Cost avoidance.. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Chairman to execute the documents.   Action details Not available
ID# 114-25 1  AppointmentBIG VALLEY RECREATION DISTRICT SUBJECT: Vacancy on the Big Valley Recreation District for Resident Lassen - Elector, term to expire December 5, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Consider making appointment (Cindy Harbert).approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 115-25 1  AppointmentSIERRA VALLEY RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUBJECT: Sierra Valley Resource Conservation District board member reappointments.Three (3) terms expired December 4, 2024. Two appointments were made by the Sierra County Board of Supervisors on December 3, 2024, and December 17 2024. The third appointment is scheduled for January 21, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Consider approving re-appointments of Chad Smith, Bryan Griffin, and Lorenzo Larrucea.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 116-25 1  AppointmentCOMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS SUBJECT: Annual Committee appointments for 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Make appointments to the following Boards, Committees and Commissions: 1. Behavioral Health Advisory Board a. Welfare and Institution Code section 5604; Resolution No. 13-025. b. One County Supervisor and one Alternate. CURRENT APPOINTMENTS: Bridges (R), Neely (A) 2. Public Risk Innovation Solutions Management (PRISM) a. Government Code section 6500, Joint Powers Agency. b. One director from each member County and one alternate director. CURRENT APPOINTMENTS: Egan (R), McMullen (A) 3. Eagle Lake Interagency Board a. Unknown. b. Appoint one member of Board of Supervisors. CURRENT APPOINTMENTS: Gallagher 4. Emergency Medical Care Committee a. Health and Safety Code Section 1797.272. b. One regular member from the Board of Supervisors. CURRENT APPOINTMENTS: Ingram (R) 5. Honey Lake Valley Recreation Authority a. Government Code section 6500, Joint Powers Agency. b. Two regular appointees from each member entity (Supervisors) and one alternate (Supervisor). CURRENT APPOINTMapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID# 110-25 1  MinutesLASSEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes of December 12, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 113-25 1  ReportACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file the following correspondence: a) United States Forest Service, Plumas National Forest addressing the Board of Supervisors. b) Application for Alcoholic Beverage License(s) - Iron Horse Saloon, LLC. c) Fair Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2024. d) Lassen County Planning Commission Notice of Meeting Cancellation. e) Lassen County Behavioral Health Advisory Board Meeting Agenda for January 13, 2025.received and filedPass Action details Not available
ID# 122-25 1  Action ItemACER VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PROJECT LETTER OF SUPPORT SUBJECT: Receive request from Lassen Fire Safe Council Inc. (LFSC) to provide a letter in support of LFSC’s Acer Vegetation Management Project that will improve forest health and resiliency and decrease hazardous fuels west of Eagle Lake in Lassen County. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve letter and authorize the Chairman to execute; and/or 2) provide direction to staff.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 123-25 1  Action ItemEASTSIDE COMMUNITIES: LONE SPRING - PHASE 1 PROJECT LETTER OF SUPPORT SUBJECT: Receive request from Lassen Fire Safe Council Inc. (LFSC) to provide a letter in support of LFSC’s Eastside Communities: Lone Spring - Phase 1 grant application to fund forest health treatments within and adjacent to the community of Milford. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve letter and authorize the Chairman to execute; and/or 2) provide direction to staff.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 107-25 1  Action ItemCALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES (CDSS), EQUIFAX/TALK, AND WORK NUMBER MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Equifax/TALK, and Work Number Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lassen County. FISCAL IMPACT: No Fiscal Impact. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the CDSS, Equifax/TALK, and Work Number MOU; and 2) authorize the Director of Community Social Services to Execute the MOU.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 118-25 1  Action ItemLASSEN COUNTY JAIL BODY SCANNER SUBJECT: Approve the cost to purchase Body scanner for the Jail in the amount of $152,091.25. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost will come from Fund/Budget Unit No. 130-0525 in the amount of $152,091.25 and will impact the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve purchase; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or his Designee to execute.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 111-25 1  Action ItemCALVET COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS SUBJECT: Annual CalVet Compliance Documents required by CalVet to verify Lassen County is complying with the California Code of Regulations and the CalVet Procedure Manual for subvention and Medi-Cal Cost avoidance.. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Chairman to execute the documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 108-25 1  Action ItemBIZZ JOHNSON EXTENSION EAST LETTER OF SUPPORT SUBJECT: Receive request from Lassen County Transportation Commission (LCTC) to provide a letter in support of LCTC’s Bizz Johnson Extension East Feasibility Study grant application to Caltrans. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve letter and authorize the Chairman to execute; and/or 2) provide direction to staff.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 109-25 1  Action ItemELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE MASTER PLAN GRANT APPLICATION SUBJECT: Receive request from Lassen County Transportation Commission (LCTC) to provide a letter in support of LCTC’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Master Plan Grant Application to Caltrans. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve letter and authorize the Chairman to execute; and/or 2) provide direction to staff.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 121-25 1  Action ItemCALVET COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS SUBJECT: Annual CalVet Compliance Documents required by CalVet to verify Lassen County is complying with the California Code of Regulations and the CalVet Procedure Manual for subvention and Medi-Cal Cost avoidance.. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Chairman to execute the documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 111-25 1  Action ItemCALVET COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS SUBJECT: Annual CalVet Compliance Documents required by CalVet to verify Lassen County is complying with the California Code of Regulations and the CalVet Procedure Manual for subvention and Medi-Cal Cost avoidance.. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Chairman to execute the documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 112-25 1  ReportTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RULES OF PROCEDURE RESOLUTION NO. 20-047 SUBJECT: The Board of Supervisors Rules of Procedure. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Review and discuss the Supervisors Rules of Procedure; and 2) provide direction to staff.   Action details Not available
ID# 119-25 1  Action ItemLASSEN COUNTY ROAD WORKERS ASSOCIATION SUBJECT: Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between County of Lassen and Lassen County Road Workers Association (LCRWA) effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027. FISCAL IMPACT: Varied over multiple budget units. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Ratify MOU with Lassen County Road Workers Association; 2) Authorize CAO to sign; and/or 2) Provide direction to staff.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 120-25 1  Action ItemPEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION SUPERVISORS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SUBJECT: Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between County of Lassen and Lassen County Peace Officer Supervisors Association (LCPOSA) for the period January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027. FISCAL IMPACT: Varied over multiple budget units. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Ratify MOU with Lassen County Peace Officer Supervisors Association; 2) Authorize CAO to sign; and/or 3) Provide direction to staff.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 106-25 1  ReportCOLWEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, LASSEN COUNTY, AND SIERRA DESERT PROPERTIES SUBJECT: Staff report on Agreement Between ColWest Investments, LLC; Lassen County; and Sierra Desert Properties. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact to County General Fund. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Receive report; and 2) provide direction to staff.   Action details Not available
ID# 100-25 1  Action ItemSECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMUNITY MEDICAL SPECIALISTS INC. AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Second Amendment to the Agreement between Community Medical Specialists Inc. and Lassen County Health and Social Services to raise the Maximum Contract Amount for all Fiscal Years (FY) 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 to $500,000 to provide after-hours emergency response and evaluations. FISCAL IMPACT: This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budgets Unit No. 110-0771, 110-0751,164-0752 and is included in the FY 2024/2025 budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with Community Medical Specialists Inc.; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 101-25 1  Action ItemSECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMUNITY MEDICAL SPECIALISTS INC. AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Second Amendment to the Agreement between Community Medical Specialists Inc. and Lassen County Health and Social Services to raise the Maximum Contract Amount for all Fiscal Years (FY) 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 to $1,500,000 to provide professional psychiatric, diagnostic, and therapeutic services. FISCAL IMPACT: This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0771, 110-0751,164-0752 and is included in the FY 2024/2025 budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with Community Medical Specialists Inc.; and 2) Authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 102-25 1  Action ItemAGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTH AMERICAN MENTAL HEALTH AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Agreement between North American Mental Health and Lassen County Health and Social Services for Professional Psychiatric, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Services in the amount of $300,000 for the term of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. FISCAL IMPACT: This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0771, 110-0751, 164-0752, 165-0751 and is included in the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Agreement with North American Mental Health; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Agreement.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 103-25 1  Action ItemSECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTH VALLEY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, LLC. AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Second Amendment to the Agreement between North Valley Behavioral Health, LLC. and Lassen County Health and Social Services to raise the Maximum Contract Amount for both Fiscal Years (FY) 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 to $450,000 to provide acute psychiatric inpatient care to the residents of Lassen County. FISCAL IMPACT: This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0771, 110-0751 and 164-0752, 165-0751 and is included in the FY 2024/2025 budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with North Valley Behavioral Health, LLC.; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 104-25 1  Action ItemFIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LASSEN FAMILY SERVICES AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Agreement between Lassen Family Services and Lassen County Health and Social Services to extend the term of the agreement for one additional year, Fiscal Year (FY) 2024/2025, and extend the Maximum Contract Amount by $81,641.68 making the Maximum Contract Amount for the agreement $158,5433.36. FISCAL IMPACT: This Agreement will be paid from Fund/Budget Unit No. 120-0853. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with Lassen Family Services; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Amendment.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 105-25 1  Action ItemAGREEMENT #24-HHAP-10069 BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND LASSEN COUNTY SUBJECT: Agreement #24-HHAP-10069 between the Department of Housing and Community Development and Lassen County Health and Social Services regarding Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program Round 5 (HHAP-5). FISCAL IMPACT: This Revenue Agreement for Grants and Loans Fund/Budget Unit No. 110-0941 and will be included in the Fiscal Year 2025/2026 budget. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Agreement #24-HHAP-10069; and 2) authorize the County Administrative Officer or Designee to execute the Agreement.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID# 146-17 1  ReportSUBJECT: INFORMATION FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Action details Not available